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check_spamd.plcheck_spamd version 1.60 perl script
Nagios CSP

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Perl script to check the spamassassin daemon's state. Will return the relevant error codes back to nagios.
This script will check to make sure that the spamassassin daemon is still functioning. It also parses the error codes that spamc returns and passes those back to nagios so you can get a better idea of what is wrong.

Command line options:
--host (-H) Set the host on which spamd runs (default: localhost).
--port (-p) Set TCP port number of spamd.
--spamc (-s) Set the location of the spamc executable.
--timeout (-t) Sets the timeout, defaults to 10 seconds.

2009-02-19:Version 1.6.0 released, allows checking of remote hosts and adds a timer. Thanks to Martin Mares
2008-10-08: Version 1.5.3 released, fixed some small typos and bugs
Reviews (1)
byMarkR, January 10, 2014
Thank you for this nicely written plugin.

Did you consider to use the -K flag for spamc? It performs a keep-alive check of spamd, instead of a full message check.