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  • Nagios 3.x
check_sentry3PNP4Nagios Template
Nagios CSP

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This program is a Nagios check the monitors servertech PDU / CDU devices using the Sentry3.mib MIB. It checks the following:

1) Environmental temperature (Auto-detects all sensors)
2) Environmental humidity (Auto-detects all sensors)
3) Input power (Auto-detects all input feeds)
This program is a Nagios check the monitors servertech PDU / CDU devices using the Sentry3.mib MIB

It checks the following:
1) Environmental temperature (Auto-detects all sensors)
2) Environmental humidity (Auto-detects all sensors)
3) Input power (Auto-detects all input feeds)

Prerequisite Perl modules:


Though Net::SNMP may be installable using package systems such as yum or apt. Both plugins may have to be done by hand like this:

# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Nagios::Plugin'
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::SNMP'
Reviews (1)
bymikecook, August 6, 2013
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
# Prerequisite Perl modules:
# Net::SNMP
-# Nagios::Plugin
+# Nagios::Plugin (version 0.36 or later)
# Though Net::SNMP may be installable using package systems such as
yum or apt,
+# if you don't have Nagios::Plugin packaged at version 0.36 or later,
# Nagios::Plugin may have to be done by hand like this:
# $ perl -MCPAN -e 'install Nagios::Plugin'
@@ -193,7 +194,19 @@ sub nagios_report {
$count +=1;

# Define the values we are going to test against
- $nagios_value[$count] = sprintf("%.2f",$poll_results{$key});
+ # Do this after "$count +=1" so we can correctly index results to
exact sensors.
+ # If only humidity sensor "1" and "3" are plugged in don't show
result for "2".
+ # e.g "SERVERTECH_HUMIDITY WARNING - Humidity1 @ 39.00%,
Humidity3 @ 41.00%
+ # | Humidity1=39.00%;30;85 Humidity3=41.00%;30;85".
+ # This also prevents perf data shifting to a new key if you add
a sensor.
+ if ($poll_results{$key} >= 0){
+ $nagios_value[$count] = sprintf("%.2f",$poll_results{$key});
+ } else {
+ # Don't add negative numbers to @nagios_value that cause
+ # (via check_threshold) test to fail.
+ # Also don't add empty sensor data to the perf hashes.
+ next;
+ }

# Process the value
if ($cmd_flags{do_temp}){
@@ -255,6 +268,9 @@ sub nagios_report {

+ # remove undefs now that $message has sensor postions set by
+ @nagios_value = grep defined, @nagios_value;
# Remove trailing comma from $message
$message =~ s/\,+\s+$//g;

@@ -554,9 +570,10 @@ print STDERR << "EOF";
Prerequisite Perl modules:

- Nagios::Plugin
+ Nagios::Plugin (version 0.36 or later)

Though Net::SNMP may be installable using package systems such
as yum or apt,
+ if you don't have Nagios::Plugin packaged at version 0.36 or later,
Nagios::Plugin may have to be done by hand like this:

# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Nagios::Plugin'