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With this plugin you can monitor several things on the HPv1910 switch (Might also work for 3COM and Huawei switches, with some modification).
With this plugin you can monitor several things on the HPv1910 switch (Might also work for 3COM and Huawei switches, with some modification).

SNMP should be enable.

Usage: -H host [-U username -P password]|[-C community] -T status|config|cpu|temperature
If username and password is supplied, SNMPv3 is used
If community supplied, SNMPv1 is used

The status checks measures a OID for status, which can reveal several errors.
The errors wil be outputtet as status text.

The config check, will check the last configuration time versus, the last configuration save time, to ensure you will remember to save the config.

The cpu check, will check if the CPU usage is higher than the cpu threshold settings of the switch, if the spu usage is only 85% it will trigger a warning.

The temperature check, will check the temperature sensor of the switch, according to the settings in the switch.
I haven't been able to figure out how to change these values in the gui, but this guide can help you do it via telnet.