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Palo Alto Firewall
- Nagios 2.x
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
File | Description |
check_paloalto | check_paloalto |
check_paloalto_PA500 | check_paloalto_PA500 |
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Tested on PA 3020
there is another file for PA 500 because fanspeed is not availible. Only Fanstatus.
Parts are:
load -> utilization with thresholds and performancedata
sessionuse -> capacity of sessions with thresholds and performancedata
state -> Shows in HA Cluster if its active or passive
temp -> Shows Temperature with thresholds and performancedata
fan -> Shows fanstatus with thresholds and performancedata
uptime -> System uptime
Parts are:
load -> utilization with thresholds and performancedata
sessionuse -> capacity of sessions with thresholds and performancedata
state -> Shows in HA Cluster if its active or passive
temp -> Shows Temperature with thresholds and performancedata
fan -> Shows fanstatus with thresholds and performancedata
uptime -> System uptime
Reviews (1)
byNael, April 29, 2019
The script is working perfectly except the uptime OID that is wrong. The actual one is : . on line 121
The script is working perfectly except the uptime OID that is wrong. The actual one is : . on line 121