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SonicWALL VPN check

4 votes
Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
check_vpn.plCheck SonicWALL VPN
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This PERL script will test to see if a VPN is currently active or not.
This script will enumerate via SNMP the currently active VPN's. It will then test against the specified VPN name to see if the VPN is active or not. If it is, it will return OK otherwise it will return CRITICAL.

This script also has the ability to list the currently active VPN's on the SonicWALL.

Usage: -H host -C community -V vpn_name -H host -C community -V LIST_ALL_VPNS

define command {
command_name check_vpn
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -C $ARG1$ -V "$ARG2$"

On a host:

Reviews (4)
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -H -c nvbLu3@123 -V LIST_ALL_VPNS

request error: The requested table is empty or does not exist at /usr/local/nagios/libexec/ line 84
Line No. 84 is:

$result = $session->get_table(-baseoid => $sonicSAStatPeerGateway);
die "request error: ".$session->error unless (defined $result);

Please Revert.
byfongang_valery, March 22, 2012
Scripts works well except that there is a little issue in the code. As it is the script will be able to list VPNs correctly but when checking a given VPN connection name, it will report VPN down even when the VPN is up. The issue here is that in the script the is a space " " added to the name value you pass on command line. To solve this modifiy the script as follows:

- search for: elsif ($name eq $vpn)
- replace with: elsif ($name eq $vpn." ")

It should just a single replacement somewhere at the end of the script.
byprestigetech, January 26, 2012
The plugin works, but seem quirky and can't figure out why. Also, had to install the Net::SNMP perl module which was a fairly straightforward process.

The quirkiness seems to be related to the VPN name somehow. I had a VPN tunnel named after the peer VPN Sonicwall ID and the script gave me an error that "VPN 012A345B678D is DOWN" even though the tunnel was not down. I renamed the tunnel to "My Home" and it worked as expected. Very strange.
byrrobert, November 30, 2011
Works as advertised, which is sweet indeed. Thanks.