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Packeteer - Check Packetshaper - SNMP v1, v2c, v3

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Check Packeteer Packetshaper - Version 2.0 (29/12/2009) > Device's informations > Partitions size (min and max) > Specific class
This script check Packeteer Packetshaper (tested on Packeteer PS-1700).
Modules included :
### Mode 1 - PsInfo ###
# - 8 system checks : ShapingStatusAdmin, ShapingStatusOper, SiteRouter, PowerSystem, Fan, ConfigFile, MeasurementEngine, StandbyStatus
### Mode 2 - partitionsize-1-min ###
# - return partition min size for inbound
# - select scale (octet|kilo|mega|giga)
### Mode 3 - partitionsize-1-max ###
# - return partition max size for inbound (burst)
# - select scale (octet|kilo|mega|giga)
### Mode 4 - partitionsize-2-min ###
# - return partition min size for outbound
# - select scale (octet|kilo|mega|giga)
### Mode 5 - partitionsize-2-max ###
# - return partition max size for outbound (burst)
# - select scale (octet|kilo|mega|giga)
### Mode 6 - class ###
# - check specific class (% used on link, SYN Flood attacks blocked, TCP data packet and % of retransmitted packets)
# - check HTTP response messages in option for specific class
# - list all class if you don't know name of specific class

check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H hostname -V version -M mode [-w|-c|-C|-l|-u|-a|-s|-n|-r|-d|-h]
-H (IP adresse or DNS name)
-V (1|2c|3)
-M (psinfo|partitionsize-1-min|partitionsize-1-max|partitionsize-2-min|partitionsize-2-max|class) 1=inbound, 2=outbound
-w *** Use on partitionsize-* or class mode ***
-c *** Use on partitionsize-* or class mode ***
-C (name) *** Use on Version 1|2 ***
-l (NoAuthNoPriv | AuthNoPriv | AuthPriv) *** Use on Version 3 ***
-u *** Use on Version 3 ***
-a *** Use on Version 3 ***
-s (octet|kilo|mega|giga-number) - example kilo-2 return 16,14kilo to 16142octets *** Use on partitionsize-* mode ***
-n *** Use on class mode ***
-r Check HTTP errors *** Use on class mode ***
-d Debug mode
-h Help (print command usage, and quit)

Sample commands:
#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H -V 1 -M psinfo -C Public
OK - ShapingStatusAdmin on - ShapingStatusOper ok - SiteRouter ready - 1 PowerSystem (ok,non-existant) - 1 Fan (ok,non-existant,non-existant,non-existant) - ConfigFile valid - MeasurementEngine running - StandbyStatus not-configured | Ok=11

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H -V 1 -M partitionsize-1-min -C Public -s mega-1
OK - inbound check min partition size - Unit in Mo - Default=0.9 Messagerie=1.8 Web=5.0 | Default=0.9 Messagerie=1.8 Web=5.0

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H -V 1 -M partitionsize-2-max -C Public -s mega-1
OK - outbound check max partition size - Unit in Mo - Default=45 Messagerie=45 Web=45 | Default=45 Messagerie=45 Web=45

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H -V 1 -M class -C Public -n /Inbound -w 80 -c 90
OK - Class /Inbound use 13% on link : SYN Flood attacks blocked = 0 (0 client side + 0 server side) : TCP data packet = 600601399 (2% retransmitted) | Current_Rate=5400000 Max=45000000

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -H -V 1 -M class -C Public -n /Inbound/Web -w 80 -c 90 -r
OK - Class /Inbound/Web use 0% on link : SYN Flood attacks blocked = 0 (0 client side + 0 server side) : TCP data packet = 600601694 (2% retransmitted) : HTTP response messages = 0(2xx) + 0(3xx) + 0(4xx) + 0(5xx) => 0% on error | Current_Rate=17655 Max=45000000

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh -h
Display help

#./check_snmp_packeteer_ps.sh xxxxxx -d
Active debug mod