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Check Raspberry Pi Temperature

3 votes
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Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
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Check Raspberry Pi Temperature
This bash script reports on and checks CPU and GPU temperature of the local Rapsberry Pi single-board computer, and warns if it exceeds the thresholds.

The actual code is managed in the following GitHub rebository - please use the Issue Tracker to ask questions, report problems or request enhancements.

Reviews (2)
byjohnjore, October 9, 2020
Try running

usermod -aG video nagios

to give the nagios agent permissions to get the GPU temp information.
This script saved my bacon! But as I was not very familiar with how custom scripts worked I thought I would contribute what I know now for the less informed. Just dump the script into the plugins folder of the REMOTE device you want to monitor. For me that was /user/lib/nagios/plugins/ and you want to make it owned by root "sudo chown root:root check_rpi_temp.sh" and then make it executable "sudo chmod +x check_rpi_temp.sh" Once you have done that you need to define the command - for me this was located at /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg Once you are there find where the other commands are already listed and put "command[check_rpi_temp]=/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_rpi_temp.sh" Then on the nagios server side just define the service and refer to "check_rpi_temp" and you should be good to go.

Side note - it fails to provide actual data on the GPU for me - but since I was really only after the CPU temp this was good enough, though I'm sure it could be fixed by adjusting the plugin file.