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Check S3 Usage

5 votes
check_s3_usage.txtCheck S3 Usage script
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Quick and dirty python script to check Amazon S3 usage.
This plugin checks bucket space usage in Amazon S3 storage system. To use this plugin you must have s3cmd installed (

After s3cmd has been installed and configured, you can use check_s3_usage script:

{{``check_s3_usage -b s3://bucket-name -t 15``}}
{{``S3 OK - bucket usage: s3://bucket-name 1774960;| size=1774960;;;;``}}

I am open for suggestions, feel free to mail me.
Reviews (5)
byflowmj, January 13, 2017
I can't get this working with Nagios XI, has development on this stopped?
Looks like there is a problem with /usr/lib64/python2.7/

I also can't get FidoX's update script to work.
byshahnn28, February 28, 2013
What is a email I can ask questions to? I am having some issues with the return code and receiving error code 255
byFidoX, January 17, 2013
Hi, I have using this plugin and I have added basic functionality as warning/critical limits. You can get the new version from:

I hope you found it usefull
byOddthinking, October 20, 2011
A great basis to add some more features.

I will be considering adding:
* Thresholds - so I can see how we are going to the budget.
* A related script to find the date of the latest file (so I can see the backups are being written.)
byziv.farjun, September 21, 2011
this seem something that can be used , but there aerverak things:
1. do you if it have impact on performance (if it scan the directory)
2. would like ot monitor the number of files
3. since amazon have 100 bucket limit - it would be great the monitor the number of buckets