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Check 3Gstore Remote Power Outlet

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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Do you have a 3Gstore 2 Outlet Remote Power Switch? Monitor it with Nagios! You can also turn outlets on, or off; toggle their current state; or reset. A must have if you have remote devices that you want to automatically power cycle if they become unresponsive!!
Usage: ./check_3gstore_outlet -H hostname -u username -p password [-o outlet] [-c command]

This plugin checks a 3GStore 2-outlet IP-based power switch and optionally turns on/off/toggles/resets one of the two power outlets. The device can be purchased at http://3gstore.com/product/6081_2_outlet_ip_switch.html

-H hostname Hostname of the device (ex: outlet.domain.com)
-u username Username to connect with (default=admin)
-p password Password to connect with (default=admin)
-o outlet Outlet number to use (1 or 2, default=1)
-c command Rather than check an outlet, set it to a specific state:
ON - Turn it on
OFF - Turn it off
TOGGLE - Toggle its current state (on->off or off->on)
RESET - Turn off, then on, then activate UIS Reset function*

By default, the plugin checks the state of the outlet and returns OK if it is powered on or CRITICAL if it is powered off.

*See product documentation