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check_otrsuser.plmain check script
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Even if you want to know how many users are still logged in on your OTRS installation you can just take a look at the session management through OTRS. Specially you want to know through which times the most users are online you may look into the weblogs of your webserver. Just in case you need to know how many agents and customers are logged in through 24h / 7days a week you need this plugin.
The plugin checks the MySQL database of an OTRS installation. It looks into the tables of session management to count the agent and users.
The return of the scripts includes count of agent, customers and the sum of both.

define command {
command_name check_otrs_user
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -U $ARG1$ -P $ARG2$ -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$

define service {
check_command check_otrs_user!nagios!nagios!20!25

These definition checks through the hosts MySQL database with user nagios and same pass. If eq 20 or more users are logged in the plugin returns a warning. 25 users at the same time will let the script return a critical state.

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