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Check tomcat servers:
-Applications status

Proyect page:
Check tomcat server plugin for nagios

Author: Daniel Dueñas Domingo (

Version 2.0

This plugin uses the tomcat manager webapp, this app usually is located in the URL:
which "tomcat-host-name" is the dns name or ip of the tomcat server and "xxxx" is the port number of the tomcat service (the tomcat port is 8080 by default)
This plugin works in tomcat6 and tomcat7 versions, i don't know if works in previous versions.
This plugin can monitorize this items:
1- tomcat server status
2- tomcat server memory
3- tomcat server thread connectors
4- application status on tomcat server

This plugin uses the nagios plugin python template in

- python 2
Python must be installed in nagios server.
I use python 2.7, python 3 is not tested for this plugin.
- Tomcat Manager Webapp
The tomcat server for monitorize must be installed the manager web app
The documentation of the manager of tomcat:
- Tomcat 6 -> [Manager_Howto_Tomcat6](
- Tomcat 7 -> [Manager_Howto_Tomcat7](

Copy file to a plugins nagios directory, usually in this path:
Reviews (2)
bypmunoz, May 20, 2016

The plugins works great in tomcat 7, but have migrated to tomcat 8 and stopped working.

Could I indicate to be changed in the code to be compatible with Tomcat 8?

Thank you very much for your time and disposition.



El plugins funciona excelente en tomcat 7, pero he migrado a tomcat 8 y ha dejado de funcionar.

¿Me podría indicar que se debe modificar en el código para que sea compatible con Tomcat 8?

Muchas gracias por tu tiempo y disposición.
bymohit.badhe, July 1, 2015
Every hit to manager application for status increases number of sessions by 3. Why these sessions are not cleared? How to clear these sessions?