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Check And Graph DataOut From Network Interface

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  • Nagios 3.x
graphNetworkDataout.shBash script to plot graph of network dataout.
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Check And Graph DataOut From Network Interface
Bash script to graph the network bytes out from eth0.
A simple shell script to graph network bytes out from the eth0 port. You can change for other network interface too.

I have not added any checks that it will give a warning or critical check, but its working fine to plot the dataout graphs at nagiosgrapher. If you want to add the warning and critical check, then just add another if statement chacking for dataout bytes.

NOTE: Its in earler state. [ Do a recheck the of the field value of dataout bytes and you can change the minute value as per you check time. ]
Reviews (1)
byMaxuN, August 30, 2016
eth0 not exist if package "biosdevname" is installed.