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Nagios-Plugin-POP3-0.01.tar.gzVersion 0.01
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Nagios plugin for checking POP3 Servers
Currently only two POP3 mailbox actions are supported: count and delete
* count - counts the number of messages on the server. The messages are not modified.
* delete - deletes all messages on the server (and returns then number deleted)

> nagios_plugin_pop3 --help
nagios_plugin_pop3 0.01

This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU
General Public Licence (see

Nagios plugin for POP3 mailboxes

Usage: nagios_plugin_pop3 [ -v|--verbose ] [-h|--host=] [-u|--user=] [-p|--password=] [--count] [--delete]
[ -c|--critical= ]
[ -w|--warning= ]

-?, --usage
Print usage information
-h, --help
Print detailed help screen
-V, --version
Print version information
Section and/or config_file from which to load extra options (may repeat)
-w, --warning=INTEGER:INTEGER
Minimum and maximum number of allowable result, outside of which a
warning will be generated. If omitted, no warning is generated.

-c, --critical=INTEGER:INTEGER
Minimum and maximum number of the generated result, outside of
which a critical will be generated.

-h, --host
POP3 Host (defaults to localhost.localdomain)

-u, --username
POP3 Username

-p, --password
POP3 password

Count the number of messages on the server. The messages on the server are not modified.
This is the default action.

Delete all messages on the server. Counts how many messages were deleted.

-t, --timeout=INTEGER
Seconds before plugin times out (default: 15)
-v, --verbose
Show details for command-line debugging (can repeat up to 3 times)
Currently only two POP3 mailbox actions are supported: count and delete

Count - Counts the number of messages on the server. The messages are not modified.
Delete - Deletes all messages on the server (and returns then number deleted)

THRESHOLDs for -w and -c are specified 'min:max' or 'min:' or ':max'
(or 'max'). If specified '@min:max', a warning status will be generated
if the count *is* inside the specified range.
Reviews (1)
bymichlaw, September 13, 2012
make failed to install the perl dependencies, getting:

Can't locate Nagios/Plugin/ in @INC