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Keepalived VRRP

Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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Checks the status of Keepalived VRRP via SNMP. Additionally, this check provides details of the VRRP instances configured within Keepalived.
By default, the desired state of an instance (backup or master) is determined by comparing a Keepalived's VRRP instance's current state to its intitial state. Use '-b' or '-m' to specify that an instance should be either in a backup state or a master state. If a weight is specified, an instance is assumed to be master if its effective priority (i.e. weight) is greater than or equal to the specified weight. The arguments '-b', '-m', and '-w' are incompatible.

The check returns the following codes:

Success (0): Keepalived is running and the desired state matches the current state.
Warning (1): Keepalived is running and the desired state is backup, but the current state is master.
Critical (2): Keepalived is not running or the desired state is master, but the current state is backup.
Unknown (3): SNMP agent is not responding, or invalid CLI options provided.

Specific instances can be monitored by using the '-i pcre' option and specific instances can be excluded by using the '-x pcre' option. The exclude option is processed after the include option. By default all instances are reported.

Example usage:

root@nagios# ./ -a dnslvs20.prv.nwc -c public
Virtual Routers: 2 OKAY - Keepalived v1.2.19 (04/19,2016)|
Router ID:
Check Method: by initial/current states
vRouter Count: 2
dnsvrrp0.nwc (OKAY)
Virtual Router ID: 20
State (current): master
State (desired):: master
State (initial): master
Weight (base): 100
Weight (effective): 100
Virtual IP Address: (set)
Virtual IP Address: [2001:4948:f:53::140] (set)
Virtual IP Status: allSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled
dnsvrrp1.nwc (OKAY)
Virtual Router ID: 21
State (current): backup
State (desired):: backup
State (initial): backup
Weight (base): 25
Weight (effective): 25
Virtual IP Address: (unset)
Virtual IP Status: notAllSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled

root@nagios# ./ -a dnslvs20.prv.nwc -c public -m
Virtual Routers: 1 CRIT, 1 OKAY - Keepalived v1.2.19 (04/19,2016)|
Router ID:
Check Method: manually specified
vRouter Count: 2
dnsvrrp1.nwc (CRIT)
Virtual Router ID: 21
State (current): backup
State (desired):: master
State (initial): backup
Weight (base): 25
Weight (effective): 25
Virtual IP Address: (unset)
Virtual IP Status: notAllSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled
dnsvrrp0.nwc (OKAY)
Virtual Router ID: 20
State (current): master
State (desired):: master
State (initial): master
Weight (base): 100
Weight (effective): 100
Virtual IP Address: (set)
Virtual IP Address: [2001:4948:f:53::140] (set)
Virtual IP Status: allSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled

root@nagios# ./ -a dnslvs20.prv.nwc -c public -w 125
Virtual Routers: 1 WARN, 1 OKAY - Keepalived v1.2.19 (04/19,2016)|
Router ID:
Check Method: by weight
vRouter Count: 2
dnsvrrp0.nwc (WARN)
Virtual Router ID: 20
State (current): master
State (desired):: backup
State (initial): master
Weight (base): 100
Weight (effective): 100
Virtual IP Address: (set)
Virtual IP Address: [2001:4948:f:53::140] (set)
Virtual IP Status: allSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled
dnsvrrp1.nwc (OKAY)
Virtual Router ID: 21
State (current): backup
State (desired):: backup
State (initial): backup
Weight (base): 25
Weight (effective): 25
Virtual IP Address: (unset)
Virtual IP Status: notAllSet
Primary Interface: eth1.2009
LVS Sync Daemon: disabled