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Nagios CSP

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This script monitors the FDB table of an Extreme Networks device via SNMP.
There is an extra article dedicated to this script:

It accepts the following arguments:

-s the switch’s hostname or ip address
-C the community string as configured on the switch
-T optionally provide a timeout in seconds. This timeout defaults to the value configured in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/ (usually something around 15 seconds).
-e expected entries: if those mac addresses appear they are expected to be in that vlan and on that port
-P or --print displays fdb, you can use this as a template for the file
-W or --warn warn if an expected entry wasn’t found
-h show the help.

Tested with different XOS versions and SNMP protocol version 2c. If you want to use a different SNMP protocol version, just modify the Net::SNMP->session(...) call.
Reviews (1)
byhardcess, July 1, 2020
work great but i thing you need to put some examples