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pfSense does not have the bourne again shell so a standard shell will be used. This script/nagios plugin will take the /tmp/apinger.status output, chop it down, and produce a legible amount of round trip time from your gateway to an external source and back to your gateway. This was particularly useful when our colocation datacenter got hit with lots of bandwidth one morning. All of our connections were slower than normal and it took some time to figure out that the gateway itself was on a saturated network. What good are all of your services that Nagios monitors if they can't get anywhere?

Tested on pfsense 2.0.2
0 - Install pfsense package through pfsense GUI
1 - Copy this file to your nagios plugins directory on pfsense OS. Mine is /usr/local/libexec/nagios
2 - Make it executable
3 - execute the file as a test
4 - Done.

1 - Make sure the /tmp/apinger.status file exists and has data legible for this plugin. Edit the plugin to appropriately cut the data if necessary. If pfSense changes the apinger output, this will most likely not work without a rewrite.
2 - Make sure you can run the file locally on your pfsense box before using Nagios to run the file remotely.

Email me if they change the code and I'll adjust accordingly.