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- Nagios 1.x
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- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
File | Description |
---|---| | Python plugin described above |
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Usage: [OS Interface]
Plugin created for capturing RX and TX statistics from Linux OS interfaces.
Useful to analyze package tendencies, such as total transfered, dropped, framed and overrun packets. This plugin follows a very simple approach and outputs a nagios formatted metric syntax for chart creation.
IMPORTANT: This script relies on `ifconfig` command, so soon it will be outdated but I hope to rewrite using a better replacement like ethtool or ip.
To better explain the output:
- RX: Received packets
- TX: Transfered packets
- errors: Packets which could not be transfered/received due errors
- dropped: Normally indicates configuration/communication
errors (eg: One side operating in half-duplex and the other in full-duplex)
- overruns: The interface has two buffers, one for transmit and the other one for receive and when one of these buffers reachs its limit the surplus packets are discarted as 'overrruns'
- frame: Malformed frames
- carrier: Physical link error. Very common in HUBS, should not never occur with switch environments.
Usage: [OS Interface]
Author: Marcelo Varge (
Useful to analyze package tendencies, such as total transfered, dropped, framed and overrun packets. This plugin follows a very simple approach and outputs a nagios formatted metric syntax for chart creation.
IMPORTANT: This script relies on `ifconfig` command, so soon it will be outdated but I hope to rewrite using a better replacement like ethtool or ip.
To better explain the output:
- RX: Received packets
- TX: Transfered packets
- errors: Packets which could not be transfered/received due errors
- dropped: Normally indicates configuration/communication
errors (eg: One side operating in half-duplex and the other in full-duplex)
- overruns: The interface has two buffers, one for transmit and the other one for receive and when one of these buffers reachs its limit the surplus packets are discarted as 'overrruns'
- frame: Malformed frames
- carrier: Physical link error. Very common in HUBS, should not never occur with switch environments.
Usage: [OS Interface]
Author: Marcelo Varge (
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