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Updated! Oct 1st.
I wrote this script to monitor my Amazon EC2 servers and LoadBalancers, this script is able to get any metrics
avaiable at the cloud-watch.
For it to work you will need the amazon api commands working.
Usage: ./ [--d DIMENSION] [--n NAMESPACE] [--t TYPE] [--p PERIOD] [--w WARN] [--c CRITICAL] [-v|--verbose]
# ./ –d “InstanceId=i-26f36dc5e” –n “AWS/EC2? –p 60 –t CPUUtilization –w 15 –c 30
OK – Servidor InstanceId=i-26f36dc5e CPUUtilization = 5 |CPUUtilization=5
I wrote this script to monitor my Amazon EC2 servers and LoadBalancers, this script is able to get any metrics
avaiable at the cloud-watch.
For it to work you will need the amazon api commands working.
Usage: ./ [--d DIMENSION] [--n NAMESPACE] [--t TYPE] [--p PERIOD] [--w WARN] [--c CRITICAL] [-v|--verbose]
# ./ –d “InstanceId=i-26f36dc5e” –n “AWS/EC2? –p 60 –t CPUUtilization –w 15 –c 30
OK – Servidor InstanceId=i-26f36dc5e CPUUtilization = 5 |CPUUtilization=5
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