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Check VMware Tools

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 4.x
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Checks the installation of VMware Tools on a VM.
This script checks for the installation of VMware Tools on a guest VM. The status is OK if VMware Tools is installed, and CRITICAL if not. If VMware Tools is installed, Nagios will also display the product version.

The script creates a temporary text file to list all the installed applications. This file will be created in the C:\Windows\Temp directory, but you can modify this location if you want.

Installation instructions:

- Put the vbs script in the C:\Program Files\NSClient++\Scripts directory.
- In the nsclient.ini file, in the section [/settings/external scripts/scripts], add the following line:
check_vmwaretools=c:\\windows\\system32\\cscript.exe //NoLogo scripts\\check_vmwaretools.vbs
- Restart the NSClient
- On the Nagios server, create a service with the following check command:
check_command check_nrpe!check_vmwaretools!
- Restart Nagios
Reviews (1)
bySB, June 15, 2017
This is awesome! I have it installed on a windows 2012 R2 server.
It was a task to get NPRE setup, but once I did my Nagios 4.3.2 server is reporting the VMware tools version.

I may have missed the obvious, but how do i get the same information from a Linux guest VM?
I currently stuck the following line in my /etc/nrpe/op5_commands.cfg file
command[check_vmwaretools]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_procs -w 1: -c 1:2 -C vmtoolsd

That at least gets me the status that the tools are running.
thanks again for the plugin, it runs like a champ.