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OpenBSD Memory

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check_openbsd_mem.shVersion 0.2 - 2008-12-31
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Checks memory usage on OpenBSD.

The OpenBSD Memory Plugin for Nagios checks the used/free/total memory and can optional output performance data.

It's a shell script and use the command line tool top in batch mode to get the current memory usage.

You can set warning and critical values (integer/percentage). If the free memory under the warning value, the plugin exit with a STATE_WARNING. If the free memory under the critical value the plugin exit with a STATE_CRITICAL.

Tested with Nagios 3 on OpenBSD 4.2, but it might be working also in Nagios 1 and 2 and other OpenBSD versions.

* Download the script.
* If the nagios-plugin package isn't already installed, install it.
* Copy the script to /usr/local/libexec/nagios/.
* Set the executable flag chmod +x /usr/local/libexec/nagios/

Example usage

/usr/local/libexec/nagios/ -w 15% -c 10% -p

Will produce following output:

OK - Free: 856M Used: 145M Total: 1001M | 856;145;1001;150;100