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Check File and Dir Size for BASH

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Bash shell script to check min/max size of files and/or directories. Relies on "stat" and "du", which most distributions should have. Usage: check_file_size.sh [--minwarn size] [--maxwarn size] [--mincrit size] [--maxcrit size] [-m
Bash shell script to check min/max size of files and/or directories.
Relies on "stat" and "du", which most distributions would have.

Usage: check_file_size.sh [--minwarn size] [--maxwarn size] [--mincrit size] [--maxcrit size] [-m|--missingok] [-v|--verbose]

--minwarn,maxwarn,mincrit,maxcrit all take size in bytes
--missingok prevents errors from being raised if passed in files are missing


# Warn if /tmp is above 1GB, Critical if above 2GB
sh check_file_size.sh --maxwarn 1000000000 --maxcrit 2000000000 /tmp

# Warn if any one file in /tmp is above 1GB, Critical if above 2GB
sh check_file_size.sh --maxwarn 1000000000 --maxcrit 2000000000 /tmp/*
Reviews (1)
byfalqueb, December 13, 2020
Thanks a lot, I'm using nrpe and it works well with it