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Check Process Resources

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Current Version
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 1.x
  • Nagios 2.x
  • Nagios 3.x
check_process_resources.tar.gzPackage contains: check_process_resources.sh
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Check Process Resources
This check can be used to monitor processes either on the Nagios server or on other Linux machines when used in conjunction with check_by_ssh.
The check_process_resources check has the following available switches, currently:

-C, Specify a check type: CPU or Memory
-c, Specify a critical level for the check
-h, Display help information
-N, Specify a fancy name for the process
This is for display in Nagios messages
Example: check_process.sh -p java -N Tomcat
The java process will be monitored and the Nagios
message will read: 'The Tomcat process is currently OK.'
-p, Specify a process to be monitored
-w, Specify a warning level for the check

The attached image is an example of the check being used in conjunction with check_by_ssh while the process is in the Warning state.