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Nagios CSP

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Monitor file count of a directory and notify if the count of files exceedes threshold. Shell script (sh), GPL
## Description

This plugin determines the file count of a directory (without sub dirs) and compares it with the supplied thresholds.

Usage: check_numoffiles -d path -w warn -c crit

## Output:

The plugin prints the count of files in the directory followed by "ok" or either "warning" or "critical" if the corresponing threshold is reached.

Exit Codes
0 = OK (Directory count of files checked and everything is ok)
1 = Warning (Directory count of files above "warning" threshold)
2 = Critical (Directory count of files above "critical" threshold)
3 = Unknown (Invalid command line arguments or could not determine directory size)

## Example

check_numoffiles -d . -w 1000 -c 1400

121 files - ok (exit code 0)
1234 files - warning (exit code 1)
1633 files - critical (exit code 2)
Reviews (2)
bynishith, December 30, 2019
On the nagios client side, NRPE is giving proper output. But, Nagios Core is showing something else.

On Nagios Clinet (NRPE):
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -d /var/named/
213 files - ok

NRPE.CFG File Configuration:
command[check_files]=/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/ -d /var/named/

Error comes in Nagios Core:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_nrpe -H -c check_files

0 files - ok

I don't understand why it is showing -0 files? The plugin is pretty much simple to run.
It works but I needed to make some enhancements.
Not sure how updates on NagiosExchange works so I'll mention them here.

Removed dependacy on /usr/bin/basename


Replaced -ge by -gt to allow warning/error for 0 files on directories that should be empty.