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Linux CPU Check with Top 5 Processes

3 votes
Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
check_cpu_linux.shCheck Script
check_cpu_linux.phpPNP4Nagios Template
Nagios CSP

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This Plugin provides hopefully all the info you would ever need about your CPU:

- Returns Stats for User, System, and IOWait
- Allows for setting Warning/Critical levels globally or for each individual stat
- When a Warning or Critical threshold is reached for User or System stats, the plugin also returns a list of the 5 processes using the most CPU
- Returns Performance Data
This is a variant on the check script made by Andreas Baess with some new features.

This Plugin provides hopefully all the info you would ever need about your CPU:

- Returns Stats for User, System, and IOWait
- Allows for setting Warning/Critical levels globally or for each individual stat
- When a Warning or Critical threshold is reached for User or System stats, the plugin also returns a list of the 5 processes using the most CPU
- Returns Performance Data

Plugin Requirements:
- IOStat
This is not included by default with all linux distros. To install on Ubuntu (and probably other Debian variants) - apt-get install sysstat

Usage Info (this can also be found using -h):

-w : Global Warning level in % for user/system/io-wait cpu
-uw : Warning level in % for user cpu
-iw : Warning level in % for IO_wait cpu
-sw : Warning level in % for system cpu
-c : Global Critical level in % for user/system/io-wait cpu
-uc : Critical level in % for user cpu
-ic : Critical level in % for IO_wait cpu
-sc : Critical level in % for system cpu
-i : Interval in seconds for iostat (default : 1)
-n : Number report for iostat (default : 3)

I have also included a pnp4nagios template for any interested.
Reviews (2)
byGldRush98, July 12, 2017
Works good, just be sure to dos2unix the file like so:
dos2unix check_cpu_linux.sh
bybindas, January 15, 2015
0 of 1 people found this review helpful
keep getting error if i execute the script directly.

bash: ./check_cpu_linux.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

if i comment out the shabang (#!/bin/bash) header. then i get this error.

./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 36: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 38: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 40: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 46: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 58: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 63: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 68: $'\r': command not found
./check_cpu_linux.sh: line 70: syntax error near unexpected token `$'{\r''
'/check_cpu_linux.sh: line 70: `print_release() {