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Novell SuSE Linux filesystem check plugin for Nagios

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check_linux_vol.plVersion 0.20
Nagios CSP

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This program checks the usage of the monuted filesystems. It detects all mounted filesystems and compares the usage of them against the warning and critical value.
The new thing is that you do not have to provide a list of filesystems. **It just checks all mounted filesystems**. There are some other check modules where you can provide a list of filesystems but I do not want to do that, to much work. I want to check all.

**Another important thing is that this check program only works with snmp v3 !**
I do not want to use the older one any more.

If you do not use that version before, you have to create the snmp user account
before you can use this check program.

You can create a snmp v3 user account with this one:

{{net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -a snmpv3user -x snmpv3pw -X DES -A MD5 snmpv3pw}}

and have add this to the /etc/snmpd.conf

//# SNMP V3 Access Control//
rouser snmpv3user

after that restart the snmp subsystem and you should be able to use that new account

**!!! For detailed / secure snmp configuration read the snmp documentations !!!
!!! This is just an easy example !!!**


{{./check_linux_vol.pl -H AS-HOST01 -l snmpv3user -x snmpv3pw -w 70 -c 85

FS: / -> Size: 32 GB -> 50% used
FS: /usr -> Size: 34 GB -> 20% used}}

The program was tested with
Novell Open Enterprise Server 9
Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

Currectly no test with lvm/evms have been done.
I will do this very quickly ....

Novell oes nss tests have bee done and required some minor changes.
See changelog of the check program for informations. The are all
fixed in version 0.20. 8.1.2006