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check_cpu.py - usage and IO Wait

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check_cpu.pyNagios plugin - python script
check_cpu.phpPNP4Nagios template - php script
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Monitor total CPU usage and CPU IO Wait for any single CPU core, and overall (average of all CPU cores). PNP4Nagios compatible.
This plugin will generate an alert if
* The overall CPU usage exceeds a given threshold
* The overall CPU IO Wait exceeds a given threshold
* The CPU usage of any single CPU core exceeds a threshold
* The CPU IO Wait of any single CPU core exceeds a threshold
* The CPU steal of any single CPU core exceeds a threshold

This plugin also generates performance data suitable for PNP4Nagios, and a suitable PNP4Nagios template is supplied.
The template provides a neater presentation than the default.

Note that this plugin measures CPU usage by reading /proc/stat twice over a time interval (default is 1 second).
As such:
* It is specific to Linux, and probably won't work on other systems
* It does NOT rely on the python library psutil, and hence is backwards compatible
with older Linux systems which do have the psutil library.

New features for version 1.5
* Can alert on overall IO Wait (missing from previous versions)
* Can output the raw values from /proc/stat - see option '-a'
* Also outputs ctxt and processes (context switches and new processes) as performance data (no alerting, just for graphing)

This plugin is a fork of check_cpu.py by Kirk Hammond, and was written to cater for older Linux distributions which do
not have a the library psutil available. It also adds the feature of monitoring IO Wait explicitly.

Reviews (1)
byk2patel, October 13, 2014
it good, but it might require more switches to control too much info.