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Directory Tree


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check_updatetime-0.01.tar.gzInitial Release
check_updatetime-0.01.tar.gzIt appears that the release got corrupted somewhere. This is the same version, but a non-corrupted .tar.gz file.
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A plugin to check that a file/directory of files have a recent update to them. This can be useful for checking for stale log files on systems that don't have other means of tracking the health of services.
The check_updatetime plugin finds the lastest update time for a file, or directory, and will report WARNING or CRITICAL if the most recent file is older than those thresholds

The plugin supports checking a single file, a directory, or a directory tree. The directory tree options will search all subdirectories recursively, while the 'simple' directory option will check the contents of a directory, but not traverse any subdirectories.

The plugin supports generating output suitable for send_nsca.