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check_fs_growScript NRPE Plugin check_fs_grow
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Script that looks for the change of filesystems usage and alarms if theres a change in usage more then a defined value.
Script that looks for the change of filesystems usage and alarms if theres a change in usage more then a defined value.

It takes values for ufs and vxfs filesystems from df command (%usage), stores them in a file. Next time plugin is called, it does this again and calculates the difference between old an new values per filesystem, and returns critical if this value is higher then a specified value.

After every run it deletes old values from the file, so next run it will not alarm and return normal. Thus i configured the following values into the service entry on Nagios server:

define service{
use local-service
host_name xyz
service_description Check growing filesystem
notification_period workhours
check_command check_nrpe!check_fs_grow
check_interval 1
max_check_attempts 1