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Check All Logical Disks

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Nagios CSP

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Enumerates all local partitions and checks warning and critical levels.
I wrote this, my first Nagios plugin and first Windows Scripting File (wsf), in order to enumerate all local partitions and check warning level and critical levels. All that is required for it to work is it to be reffernced in each NRPE config file. I am working to a point where all my systems have the same NRPE config file. This script and the template I used, ronald van vugt's Check_Services.wsf, bring me closer to just that.

Please provide me with any feedback you might have, I consider this project a work in progress and I would love to hear how well it held up or didn't hold up in other enviroments.

UPDATE: April 10, 2007
Added drive information to errors.
Added "Disks checked" to "ok" status.

UPDATE: July 22, 2007
Ignore Drives that are named "Backups"