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Check Performance Monitor

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Nagios CSP

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Grabs values from Performance Monitor Counter. VBScript, calls typeperf.exe to get results. Code is sloppy, but free to use as needed.
wincheck_counter.exe stopped working for me, so I quickly threw this together mimicking that plugin.

I have not tested this in all environments. Requires typeperf.exe to work, works for me on 2003 and XP. It also needs access to write a temp file to %TEMP% environment variable (output of the typeperf.exe command). Some examples of usage:

cscript /nologo C:\nrpe_nt\plugins\perfmon.vbs -C "LogicalDisk" -I "C:" -P "Free Megabytes" -f "%f MB" -w 500 -c 100

cscript /nologo C:\nrpe_nt\plugins\perfmon.vbs -C "Memory" -P "Pages/sec" -f "%f" -w 100 -c 500

cscript /nologo C:\nrpe_nt\plugins\perfmon.vbs -C "Memory" -P "Available MBytes" -f "%f" -w 50 -c 10

cscript /nologo C:\nrpe_nt\plugins\perfmon.vbs -C "Processor" -I "_Total" -P "% Privileged Time" -f "%f" -w 95 -c 98

cscript /nologo C:\nrpe_nt\plugins\perfmon.vbs -C "PhysicalDisk" -I "_Total" -P "Split IO/sec" -f "%f" -w 100 -c 500

Edit: improved version, old version was doing an alphanumeric compare. Rookie mistake on my part.