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check_complus-0.1.ZIPVersion 0.1
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VBScript to check COM+ metrics via NRPE (NSClient++ with NRPE Listener)

For use with NSClient++ please add the following line to your NSC.INI [NRPE Handlers]:

check_complus=cscript.exe //T:30 //NoLogo scriptscheck_complus.vbs $ARG1$

and copy "check_complus.vbs" into "scripts" folder. Refer to NSClient++ Documentation for using remote checks via NRPE.

###command definition###

define command {
command_name check_complus
command_line $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -p 5666 -t 30 -c check_complus -a $ARG1$

###service definition###

define service{
use generic-service
host_name WINSVR01
service_description COMplus System Application PoolPagedBytes
process_perf_data 1
check_command check_complus!"COUNTER \"System Application\" PoolPagedBytes 1048576 1048576"

What it does:

This script is for monitoring COM+ Applications. You can give the name of a COM+ Application and specify a performance counter to be monitored. See service definition above. It will return:

PoolPagedBytes OK - System Application (PID 5260): 92060

plus performance data.

cscript //nologo check_complus.vbs --help

gives you brief syntax help.

cscript //nologo check_complus.vbs --helpcounter

gives you a list of suipported counters.


This software comes without any warranty and has to be treated "as is". Feel free to change it to fit your needs or contact me for any kind of comment.