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  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
CheckWindowsVolumeMountPointFreeSpace.ps1Original version 1.0
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This script will execute checks against volume mount points using WMI via powershell and nsclient++.

Can be used to check available free space, and return OK, WARNING or CRITICAL status to Nagios.
Reviews (1)
Modified slightly for dynamic variables, so that you can input a volumename instead, and specific a warning / critical -
Comment out the previous Critical / Warning variables or replace them with below -

#Modified for dynamic variables
#use as script.ps1 volumename warningvalue critcalvalue
$Volumename = $args[0]
$Critical = $args[2]
$Warning = $args[1]

Replace this line -
$volumes = Get-WmiObject -computer $server win32_volume | Where-object {$_.Label -eq $Volumename} | ForEach-Object {

Add args to your nsclient.ini -
check_windows_volume_mount_point_freespace_custom=cmd /c echo scriptsCheckWindowsVolumeMountPointFreeSpaceCustom.ps1 $ARG1$ $ARG2$ $ARG3$; exit($lastexitcode) | PowerShell.exe -Command -