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Check Automatic Services for Windows (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)
Meet The New Nagios Core Services Platform
Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.
Monitoring Made Magically Better
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- Time-Saving Configuration Wizards
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- And So Much More!
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection.
Download it here:
++++ Overview
* Checks all automatic windows services are running.
* Native Windows Execution - will run on any reasonably modern Windows Operating System
* Will work with any remote execution method
* Efficient - Only 1 execution call for all services
* Accepts exclusions for services you either don't care about or are normally not actively running all the time, like Volume Shadow Copy or Performance Logs and Alerts.
It is written to Nagios coding guidelines. Arguments are as flexible as possible, accepting either /windows or -u/--unix style arguments.
It also supports timeout and verbosity for debugging. Can even be run against any remote windows server (runs locally by default)
++++ Basic Usage
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /exclude:DHCP Client
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /server:dc1 /exclude:Performance Logs and Alerts
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /server:dc3 /exclude:sysmonlog, messenger, winvnc4
Input is flexible, /exclude can take services in either long or short name format, eg "DHCP Client" or just "dhcp", simply separate multiple services with commas.
Output of non running services can be shortened, so instead of getting an alert like:
>> SERVICES CRITICAL: 1 Automatic Service not Running - Performance Logs and Alerts
you can use the /shortname switch (or just /sh) and get the actual service name rather than the service full display name (this might be convenient to know since this is what you use when you do net start shortServiceName and net stop shortServiceName)
>> SERVICES CRITICAL: 1 Automatic Service not Running - SysmonLog
All options are case insensitive and have shortcuts too, like /s for /server (or -s or --server) and /e for exclude (or -e or --exclude)
Use --help or /help or full details
++++ Support
NOTE: Make sure you have Windows Script Host 5.6 or newer if you are running Windows 2000 or older. Test it by doing "cscript /?" at a command prompt.
For bugs, feature requests, coding style discussion or anything to improve this code, contact me at hpsekhon at googlemail dot com.
Download it here:
++++ Overview
* Checks all automatic windows services are running.
* Native Windows Execution - will run on any reasonably modern Windows Operating System
* Will work with any remote execution method
* Efficient - Only 1 execution call for all services
* Accepts exclusions for services you either don't care about or are normally not actively running all the time, like Volume Shadow Copy or Performance Logs and Alerts.
It is written to Nagios coding guidelines. Arguments are as flexible as possible, accepting either /windows or -u/--unix style arguments.
It also supports timeout and verbosity for debugging. Can even be run against any remote windows server (runs locally by default)
++++ Basic Usage
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /exclude:DHCP Client
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /server:dc1 /exclude:Performance Logs and Alerts
>> cscript //NOLOGO check_all_services.wsf /server:dc3 /exclude:sysmonlog, messenger, winvnc4
Input is flexible, /exclude can take services in either long or short name format, eg "DHCP Client" or just "dhcp", simply separate multiple services with commas.
Output of non running services can be shortened, so instead of getting an alert like:
>> SERVICES CRITICAL: 1 Automatic Service not Running - Performance Logs and Alerts
you can use the /shortname switch (or just /sh) and get the actual service name rather than the service full display name (this might be convenient to know since this is what you use when you do net start shortServiceName and net stop shortServiceName)
>> SERVICES CRITICAL: 1 Automatic Service not Running - SysmonLog
All options are case insensitive and have shortcuts too, like /s for /server (or -s or --server) and /e for exclude (or -e or --exclude)
Use --help or /help or full details
++++ Support
NOTE: Make sure you have Windows Script Host 5.6 or newer if you are running Windows 2000 or older. Test it by doing "cscript /?" at a command prompt.
For bugs, feature requests, coding style discussion or anything to improve this code, contact me at hpsekhon at googlemail dot com.
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