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Check multiple windows processes dotnet core

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This is the code by David Ligeret from the 'Check multiple Windows Processes v2' SNMP process check that exists on this site with added features to monitor a dotnet.exe instance and the ability to require more than 1 instance of a process (list it more than once).
This is the code by David Ligeret from the 'Check multiple Windows Processes v2' SNMP process check that exists on this site. It works the same but with some added features. You can specify the same program name twice or more to expect more than 1 running. I also added the ability to specify dotnet.exe,someapp.dll so that you can check if a specific dotnet core app is running based on the parameter of dotnet.exe. This is based on detecting dotnet.exe as a program name and then querying for the SNMP parameters of the exe to see what DLL is being called by dotnet. the ',' is used for the parameter delimiter when specifying the dll name for dotnet.exe.

An example... process1.exe process2.exe dotnet.exe,someapp.dll process2.exe

This would require 1 process1.exe to be running, two process2.exe to be running and 1 dotnet.exe to be running with the text someapp.dll as a part of the parameter that dotnet.exe is calling.