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Hyper-V Switch Embedded Teaming Status

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Checks the state of SET (switch embedded teaming) Members. Link of NICs up or down, NICs deactivated, different link speeds Output: OK: Team z x Adapters of x are up or OK: SET Teaming is not enabled or WARNING: Team z y Adapters of x are up - Adapters down: NIC y or WARNING: Different Speed NIC x, Link: 1 Gbps WARNING: Different Speed NIC y, Link: 100 Mbps WARNING: Team z 2 Adapters of 2 are up or CRITICAL: Team z down - All Adapters are down NSCLIENT.INI check_set_teaming = cmd /c echo scriptscheck_set_teaming.ps1; exit $LastExitCode | powershell.exe -command -