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and to Summarize the Savings of Windows DeDuplication
Might be helpfull if you are running your calssic windows fileserver with enabled deduplication
should be called via NRPE/NSClient++
# NAME: check_win_dedup_status.ps1
# AUTHOR: Peter Luetke-Bexten
# EMAIL: peter.luetke-bexten (at)
# Script to check if Windows DeDuplication is enabled for all fixed Disks except C:
# and to Summarize the Savings of Windows DeDuplication
# Might be helpfull if you are running your calssic windows fileserver with enabled deduplication
# should be called via NRPE/NSClient++
# Return Values for NRPE:
# DeDup is enabled for all Volumes - OK (0)
# DeDup on some Volumes not enabled - WARNING (1)
# DeDup is not enabled for any Volume - WARNING (1)
# DeDup Feature is not enabled - UNKNOWN (3)
# Script errors - UNKNOWN (3)
# check_win_dedup_status = cmd /c echo scriptspowershellcheck_win_dedup_status.ps1 ; exit($lastexitcode) | "C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe" -noninteractive -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -command -
# NRPE Check:
# check_nrpe -H Targethost -p 5666 -t 120 -u -c check_win_dedup_status
# 1.0 20201211 - initial version
# Nagios return States
$returnStateOK = 0
$returnStateWarning = 1
$returnStateCritical = 2
$returnStateUnknown = 3
# Check DedupFeature
if (!((Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Data-Deduplication).InstallState -eq "Installed"))
Write-Host "FS-Data-Deduplication Feature is not enabled"
exit $returnStateUnknown
if (!(Get-Command Get-DedupStatus -errorAction SilentlyContinue))
Write-Host "Get-DedupStatus is not available on this System"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Get local Disk Infos
$DiskswoOS=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_logicaldisk -Filter "DriveType = ""3""" |
Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -ne ‘C:’} |
Select-Object -Property DeviceID, DriveType, VolumeName,
@{L='FreeSpaceGB';E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace /1GB)}},
@{L="CapacityGB";E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.Size/1GB)}}
# Check if there are DataVolumes (every local disk excl. Drive C:)
if ($DiskswoOS -eq $Null)
Write-Host "No DataVolumes available"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Get DeDup Status
$DisksDeDup=Get-Dedupstatus | Select-Object -Property Volume,
@{L='FreeSpaceGB';E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace /1GB)}},
@{L="SavedSpaceGB";E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.SavedSpace/1GB)}}
# Check if no Deduplication is available for anyo DataVolumes
if ($DisksDeDup -eq $Null)
Write-Host "No Deduplication enabled for any of the DataVolumes"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Compare lokal Disk Info with DedupStatus Info
$Comparsion=Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $DiskswoOS -DifferenceObject $DisksDeDup -PassThru
# If DedupStatus differs with lokal Disk Info display the Disk(s) without DDP enabled and also summarize
if ($Comparsion -ne $Null)
foreach ($Object in $Comparsion) {
Write-Host "Drive $($Object.DeviceID) has no DeDuplication enabled"
$SavingsTotalGB = 0
foreach ($Object in $DisksDeDup) {
$SavingsTotalGB += $($Object.SavedSpaceGB)
Write-Host "Warning - not all Drives have DeDup enabled| 'DedDup Savings Total GB'=$($SavingsTotalGB)"
exit $returnStateWarning
# If DedupStatus has same Volumes as lokal Disk printout the DeDup Savings per Volume
if ($Comparsion -eq $Null)
$SavingsTotalGB = 0
foreach ($Object in $DisksDeDup) {
$SavingsTotalGB += $($Object.SavedSpaceGB)
Write-Host "OK - DeDup Savings Total $($SavingsTotalGB) GB| 'DedDup Savings Total GB'=$($SavingsTotalGB)"
exit $returnStateOK
# if we are here, something went wrong
exit $returnStateCritical
# NAME: check_win_dedup_status.ps1
# AUTHOR: Peter Luetke-Bexten
# EMAIL: peter.luetke-bexten (at)
# Script to check if Windows DeDuplication is enabled for all fixed Disks except C:
# and to Summarize the Savings of Windows DeDuplication
# Might be helpfull if you are running your calssic windows fileserver with enabled deduplication
# should be called via NRPE/NSClient++
# Return Values for NRPE:
# DeDup is enabled for all Volumes - OK (0)
# DeDup on some Volumes not enabled - WARNING (1)
# DeDup is not enabled for any Volume - WARNING (1)
# DeDup Feature is not enabled - UNKNOWN (3)
# Script errors - UNKNOWN (3)
# check_win_dedup_status = cmd /c echo scriptspowershellcheck_win_dedup_status.ps1 ; exit($lastexitcode) | "C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0powershell.exe" -noninteractive -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -command -
# NRPE Check:
# check_nrpe -H Targethost -p 5666 -t 120 -u -c check_win_dedup_status
# 1.0 20201211 - initial version
# Nagios return States
$returnStateOK = 0
$returnStateWarning = 1
$returnStateCritical = 2
$returnStateUnknown = 3
# Check DedupFeature
if (!((Get-WindowsFeature -Name FS-Data-Deduplication).InstallState -eq "Installed"))
Write-Host "FS-Data-Deduplication Feature is not enabled"
exit $returnStateUnknown
if (!(Get-Command Get-DedupStatus -errorAction SilentlyContinue))
Write-Host "Get-DedupStatus is not available on this System"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Get local Disk Infos
$DiskswoOS=Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_logicaldisk -Filter "DriveType = ""3""" |
Where-Object {$_.DeviceID -ne ‘C:’} |
Select-Object -Property DeviceID, DriveType, VolumeName,
@{L='FreeSpaceGB';E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace /1GB)}},
@{L="CapacityGB";E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.Size/1GB)}}
# Check if there are DataVolumes (every local disk excl. Drive C:)
if ($DiskswoOS -eq $Null)
Write-Host "No DataVolumes available"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Get DeDup Status
$DisksDeDup=Get-Dedupstatus | Select-Object -Property Volume,
@{L='FreeSpaceGB';E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.FreeSpace /1GB)}},
@{L="SavedSpaceGB";E={"{0:N2}" -f ($_.SavedSpace/1GB)}}
# Check if no Deduplication is available for anyo DataVolumes
if ($DisksDeDup -eq $Null)
Write-Host "No Deduplication enabled for any of the DataVolumes"
exit $returnStateUnknown
# Compare lokal Disk Info with DedupStatus Info
$Comparsion=Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $DiskswoOS -DifferenceObject $DisksDeDup -PassThru
# If DedupStatus differs with lokal Disk Info display the Disk(s) without DDP enabled and also summarize
if ($Comparsion -ne $Null)
foreach ($Object in $Comparsion) {
Write-Host "Drive $($Object.DeviceID) has no DeDuplication enabled"
$SavingsTotalGB = 0
foreach ($Object in $DisksDeDup) {
$SavingsTotalGB += $($Object.SavedSpaceGB)
Write-Host "Warning - not all Drives have DeDup enabled| 'DedDup Savings Total GB'=$($SavingsTotalGB)"
exit $returnStateWarning
# If DedupStatus has same Volumes as lokal Disk printout the DeDup Savings per Volume
if ($Comparsion -eq $Null)
$SavingsTotalGB = 0
foreach ($Object in $DisksDeDup) {
$SavingsTotalGB += $($Object.SavedSpaceGB)
Write-Host "OK - DeDup Savings Total $($SavingsTotalGB) GB| 'DedDup Savings Total GB'=$($SavingsTotalGB)"
exit $returnStateOK
# if we are here, something went wrong
exit $returnStateCritical
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