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Unix Status Code Customizer (negate.sh)

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Last Release Date
Compatible With
  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios 4.x
  • Nagios XI
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Checks the status, or exit, code of another program and returns a
Nagios status code based on the result. This is basically the official negate
plug-in but rewritten in bash so it will run in heterogenous unix environments.

Useful in cases where a program returns an odd status code such as > 3.
If say, your program returns 127 and that means OK, we tell that to check_status_code.sh which will then return the proper Nagios exit code e.g. 1 (OK).
Checks the status, or exit, code of another program and returns a
Nagios status code based on the result.

-r Absolute path of program to run, use quotes for options
-o Status to expect for OK state (def: 0)
-w Status to expect for WARNING state (def: 1)
-c Status to expect for CRITICAL state (def: 2)
-u Status to expect for UNKNOWN state (def: 3)

Usage: $0 -r "/usr/sbin/service sshd status"

# Author: Jon Schipp

# Examples:

# 1.) Check status code for uptime using the defaults
# $ ./negate.sh -r /usr/bin/uptime
# 2.) Custom service does it backwards and exits 1 when running and 0 when stopped. The proper status code gets returned to Nagios.
# $ ./negate.sh -r "/usr/sbin/service custom-server status" -o 1 -c 0