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Nagios plugin to check health of hdfs by parsing dfshealth.jsp. Checked the script with different hadoop versions including CDH.
This nagios plugin checks hdfs health by parsing dfshealth.jsp.

The script is written in Ruby and makes use of nokogiri gem for parsing dfshealth.jsp.

Please install nokogiri gem before using the script.

The script has been tested using Ruby 1.9.3.

Help for running the script can be found by supplying -h argument to the script.

./check_hdfs.rb -h

Usage: check_hdfs.rb [options]
-u, --url URL URL of dfs health page
-w, --warningdfs WARNINGDFS Warning Limit for DFS free space
-c, --criticaldfs CRITICALDFS Critical Limit for DFS free space
-x WARNINGUNREPLICATEDBLOCKS, Warning limit for UnReplicated Blocks
-z CRITICALUNREPLICATEDBLOCKS, Critical limit for UnReplicated Blocks
-H, --help Display this screen

URL is the URL of the dfshealth.jsp page. For e.g. http://example.com:50070/dfshealth.jsp

-w takes an argument which specifies percentage of free disk space below which we should be alerted with warning message.

-c takes an argument which specifies percentage of free disk space below which we should be alerted with error message.

-x takes an argument which specifies warning limit for number of un-replicated blocks.

-z takes an argument which specifies critical limit for number of un-replicated blocks.