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RDP Link
Last Release Date
Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
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Built on over 25 years of monitoring experience, the Nagios Core Services Platform provides insightful monitoring dashboards, time-saving monitoring wizards, and unmatched ease of use. Use it for free indefinitely.
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The script php-rdp-builder downloaded from Thanks to author.
1. Get the script and put it to nagios web folder (/usr/local/nagios/share).
2. Give access to the script:
#chown nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/share/rdp.php
#chmod +x /usr/local/nagios/share/rdp.php
3. Edit you nagios template windows-server (for example) and add notes_url directive:
define host{
name windows-server
use generic-host
contact_groups admins
icon_image workstation2.png
statusmap_image workstation2.png
notes_url /nagios/rdp.php?autoconnect=1&full_address=$HOSTADDRESS$:3389&name=$HOSTNAME$
register 0
4. Optional. You may to replace /usr/local/nagios/share/images/notes.gif with rdp logo (see in attachment).
5. Check nagios configuration and reload.
In result you'll see link near hostname, that generate RDP-file by click.
1. Get the script and put it to nagios web folder (/usr/local/nagios/share).
2. Give access to the script:
#chown nagios:nagios /usr/local/nagios/share/rdp.php
#chmod +x /usr/local/nagios/share/rdp.php
3. Edit you nagios template windows-server (for example) and add notes_url directive:
define host{
name windows-server
use generic-host
contact_groups admins
icon_image workstation2.png
statusmap_image workstation2.png
notes_url /nagios/rdp.php?autoconnect=1&full_address=$HOSTADDRESS$:3389&name=$HOSTNAME$
register 0
4. Optional. You may to replace /usr/local/nagios/share/images/notes.gif with rdp logo (see in attachment).
5. Check nagios configuration and reload.
In result you'll see link near hostname, that generate RDP-file by click.
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