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Safenet Protectserver HSM check
Current Version
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Compatible With
- Nagios 3.x
- Nagios 4.x
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usage: ./ options
This script checks various safenet HSM things and outputs nagios style results.
-h Show this message
-t Check type: "battery", "RAM", "datetime", "eventlog", "initialized", "hsminfo", "fminfo"
-b ctcheck binary (default: /opt/PTK/bin/ctcheck)
battery Show HSM Battery status, GOOD (ok) or LOW (crit)
ram HSM RAM, (ok) if 75% 85% used.
datetime Local HSM date/time, (crit) if different from host time, host should use ntp in same timezone.
eventlog (ok) if eventlog not full, (crit) if eventlog full.
initialized (ok) if initialized, (crit) if not. Documentation states that a FALSE could mean a tampered device.
hsminfo always (ok), returns general HSM info, model, version, firmware and such.
fminfo always (ok), returns Functional Module information.
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t ram
OK: RAM Usage OK: 41% used, ( 10192256 total). HSM: hsm-038.
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t datetime
OK: HSM: hsm-038 time is the same as local time: 15/04/2013 12:48.
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t eventlog
OK: HSM: hsm-038 Event Log Count: 11
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t initialized
OK: HSM: hsm-038 is initialized. All is well.
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t hsminfo
OK: HSM: hsm-038; Serial Number:[...]; Model: [...]; Device Revision: F; Firmware Revision: [...]; Manufacturing Date: [...]; Device Batch: [...]; PTKC Revision: [...]; Slot Count: [...] Security Mode: [...]; Transport Mode:[...]; Event Log Count: 88.
user@host ~$ ./ -n hsm-038 -t battery
OK: Battery status is good for HSM: hsm-038
Reviews (1)
byhablutzel1, April 3, 2020
I just wanted to report that it is still working with ProtectToolkit 5.7.0.
Thanks for this excellent plugin.
Thanks for this excellent plugin.