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check Synology Surveillance Station last recordings

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Compatible With
  • Nagios 4.x
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check Synology Surveillance Station last recordings
This is a bash script that runs on my nagios server and goes out to a Synology Video server to check the Last Recording Start Time field of each camera. It needs the video URL, a (read-only) username and password and a camera number to function.
This is a bash script that runs on my nagios server and goes out to a Synology Video server to check the Last Recording Start Time field of each camera. It needs the video URL, a (read-only) username and password and a camera number to function.

It depends on the small 'jq' package, which is readily available. See https://stedolan.github.io/jq/ for more information.

Once jq is installed, you might need to change the full path of jq in the shell script. Add commands.cfg to etc/objects/commands.cfg. You'll also need to generate a read-only user/password in your Synology Surveillance Station. You may also want to change the warning and critical thresholds to something more appropriate to your environment.

I've also included a sample service check command, which you have to add into Nagios

I also had to change the permissions on the script to allow the nagios user to run it. Simply do a chmod 755 on the file and restart the nagios service.

The code isn't perfect, but gets the job done for what I needed. If you have any issues or quesitons, I'm glad to help as I can. This could probably be easily modified to check any number of variables on the cameras.

Thanks for taking a look!
Reviews (1)
byeletel, September 26, 2021
Dear Jaap,

Is this plugin compatible with Surveillance Station 8.2.9-6459?
How to find the Camera ID? My camera doesn't respond to camera number and camera name (1 or camera1).
When I run ./check_SynologyLastRecording.sh IP Address:Port CameraID user password - I'm getting: data: invalid date: null.
What does it mean?