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File | Description |
check_inactive | check_inactive |
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Inactive users often occur when system admins are working on some issue and forget to log out. This bad, in particular on consoles, where you can often also break the connection without removing any elevated privileges. The plugin warns of inactivity users after 1 hour by default and it becomes critical after two hours. These can be re-configured via command line options. Below is the output of check_inactive --help
Nagios Plugin to check if there is a user inactive for longer than seconds
Usage: check_inactive --help
check_incative --version
check-inactive [--utmpx] [--debug] [--warning] [--critical ]
--help print help message
--version print version
--debug print debug information
--print print users and their inactivity times in seconds
--utmpx use utmpx
--warning set warning inactivity timeout to
--critical set critical error inactivity timeout to
Critical error time out should be greater than the warning time out
The Nagios check_inactive plugin has been developed by 2024Sight (
Nagios Plugin to check if there is a user inactive for longer than
Usage: check_inactive --help
check_incative --version
check-inactive [--utmpx] [--debug] [--warning
--help print help message
--version print version
--debug print debug information
--print print users and their inactivity times in seconds
--utmpx use utmpx
Critical error time out should be greater than the warning time out
The Nagios check_inactive plugin has been developed by 2024Sight (
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