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check_datameer_job_details.pl (Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection)

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Compatible With
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  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
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Checks the status of a specific Datameer job using the Rest API and output details of job success and failure counts as well as counters for the last job run as perfdata for graphing.
Part of the Advanced Nagios Plugins Collection.

Download it here:


./check_datameer_job_details.pl -H $datameer -j 1079 ...
OK: job 1079 state 'completed', failureCount 0, successCount 2, last start time 'Dec 7, 2013 1:51:26 PM', stop time 'Dec 7, 2013 1:51:59 PM' | import_records=2 import_dropped_records=0 import_preview_records=2 import_bytes=19 import_output_bytes=346 import_dropped_splits=0 import_output_partitions=0

./check_datameer_job_details.pl -H $datameer -j 1086 ...
OK: job 1086 state 'completed', failureCount 0, successCount 3, last start time 'Dec 7, 2013 1:24:51 PM', stop time 'Dec 7, 2013 1:25:21 PM' | export_records=3 export_dropped_records=0 export_bytes=0

./check_datameer_job_details.pl --help

Nagios Plugin to check the status of a specific Datameer job using the Rest API and output details of job success and failure counts as well as counters for the last job run as perfdata for graphing.

Detects whether job is an import or export job and outputs the following relevant counters as perfdata:




To find the JOB ID that you should supply to the --job-id option you should look at the Browser tab inside Datameer's web UI and right-click on the import job and then click Information. This will show you the JOB ID in the field "ID: " (NOT "File ID")

usage: check_datameer_job_details.pl [ options ]

-H --host Datameer server
-P --port Datameer port (default: 8080)
-u --user Datameer user ($DATAMEER_USER)
-p --password Datameer password ($DATAMEER_PASSWORD)
-j --job-id Job Configuration Id (get this from the web UI)
-t --timeout Timeout in secs (default: 10)
-v --verbose Verbose mode (-v, -vv, -vvv ...)
-h --help Print description and usage options
-V --version Print version and exit