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- Nagios 3.x
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Usage Switches...
-H, --host The hostname to check (required)
-f, --filename The share and path to the file/directory (required)
-F --filename-match Only check filenames matching this regex
-D --mode-directory Treat the filename to check as a directory
-w, --warning Warning if file property exceeds value
-c, --critical Critical if file property exceeds value
-m, --warning-match Warning if contents match regex
-M, --critical-match Critical if contents match regex
-t, --warning-files Warning if the total files detected exceeds value
-T, --critical-files Critical if the total files detected exceeds value
-p, --property The property to test (Default: modified)
-K, --kerberos Use Kerberos for authentication
-U, --username The username to connect with
-P, --password The password to authenticate with
-W, --workgroup The workgroup the username is located in
-K, --kerberos Use Kerberos for authentication
-n, --no-data Do not collect performance data
-d, --debug <0-10> Set the debug level for libsmbclient
-V, --version Display the version of this script and exit
-h, --help Display this usage screen and exit
Warning and Critical Values
The returned value for a non-existent file/path is CRITICAL.
A warning or critical value can be a measure of time or size, with a suffix
detailing the measure type. The below table is a list of possible measures.
Time | Size
-------- ---------------
seconds | KB (kilobytes)
minutes | MB (megabytes)
hours | GB (gigabytes)
days |
You can test a few different properties of the file. The below table lists
the valid properties.
Property | Description
--------- ----------------------
modified | Last modified time
accessed | Last accessed time
size | Size of the file
File Paths
File paths are checked with forward slashes. So a path to check should be entered
with forward slashes and not back slashes, such as...
However, if you enter back slashes the script will attempt to convert them to
forward slashes and check the resulting path. Also, you can check hidden and
admin shares, such as the system drive, by using a double dollar sign in nagios
Also note that file path checks are case-insensitive.
* This script does not yet test the size of a directory.
* Performance data is a work-in-progress.
-H, --host
-f, --filename
-F --filename-match
-D --mode-directory Treat the filename to check as a directory
-w, --warning
-c, --critical
-m, --warning-match
-M, --critical-match
-t, --warning-files
-T, --critical-files
-p, --property
-K, --kerberos Use Kerberos for authentication
-U, --username
-P, --password
-W, --workgroup
-K, --kerberos Use Kerberos for authentication
-n, --no-data Do not collect performance data
-d, --debug <0-10> Set the debug level for libsmbclient
-V, --version Display the version of this script and exit
-h, --help Display this usage screen and exit
Warning and Critical Values
The returned value for a non-existent file/path is CRITICAL.
A warning or critical value can be a measure of time or size, with a suffix
detailing the measure type. The below table is a list of possible measures.
Time | Size
-------- ---------------
seconds | KB (kilobytes)
minutes | MB (megabytes)
hours | GB (gigabytes)
days |
You can test a few different properties of the file. The below table lists
the valid properties.
Property | Description
--------- ----------------------
modified | Last modified time
accessed | Last accessed time
size | Size of the file
File Paths
File paths are checked with forward slashes. So a path to check should be entered
with forward slashes and not back slashes, such as...
However, if you enter back slashes the script will attempt to convert them to
forward slashes and check the resulting path. Also, you can check hidden and
admin shares, such as the system drive, by using a double dollar sign in nagios
Also note that file path checks are case-insensitive.
* This script does not yet test the size of a directory.
* Performance data is a work-in-progress.
Reviews (2)
bycenovusjim, October 19, 2015
Love the script! Had and issues with accessing files in subdirectories so made the following changes to the script:
1. sub-directories in the share
2. added full path to commands used
$ diff check_smb_file check_smb_file-orig
$PROGNAME -H -W -s -f -u -p -S -E
onErrorMessage="ERROR: File \"//"$host""$sharePathToTest"$fileToTest\" does not exists."
smbclient //"$host""$sharePathToTest" -U "$user"%"$password" -W "$workgroup" -c "get '$fileToTest' /tmp/"$fileToTest""
rm -f /tmp/"$fileToTest"
1. sub-directories in the share
2. added full path to commands used
$ diff check_smb_file check_smb_file-orig
$PROGNAME -H -W -s -f -u -p -S -E
onErrorMessage="ERROR: File \"//"$host""$sharePathToTest"$fileToTest\" does not exists."
smbclient //"$host""$sharePathToTest" -U "$user"%"$password" -W "$workgroup" -c "get '$fileToTest' /tmp/"$fileToTest""
rm -f /tmp/"$fileToTest"
I only changed this:
$ diff*
> next if $filename eq "." or $filename eq "..";
to exclude the local dir and the upper dir because it would report critical every time otherwise (yes, the modified timestamps on those are older, but I do not need to check those ;-)
$ diff*
> next if $filename eq "." or $filename eq "..";
to exclude the local dir and the upper dir because it would report critical every time otherwise (yes, the modified timestamps on those are older, but I do not need to check those ;-)