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A simple plugin for nrpe users that takes care of the new created or removed file-systems and informs you.
As You know, is possible to monitor your file-system via ssh. This is useful because it resolves the problem of creating and removing file-systems.

On the other hand, you can't set a different thresholds for each one of them.

So, we prefer to use nrpe.
With nrpe, we can set an appropriate threshold according with the real dimension of any file-system of our servers.
But our users, are usually to create new file-systems without informing anyone.

So we decided to create a simple plugin that takes care of any change.
The is a simple script that take a snapshot of the current situation of file-system and store it in a text file.
After one hour, it makes the check again and try to find any difference with the previous control.
If no differences are found, it exits and sleeps for another hour.
Otherwise, it give the alarm and substitutes the current situation with the previous one (the text file).
Obviously, only one alarm will be send. So, it's important to send an e-mail to the appropriate contact groups.
No other alarm will be sent because the new aspect of file-system will become the new real shape of it. The new check will be done with the last stored informations.

This nagios plugin comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You may redistribute copies of this plugin under the terms of the GNU General Public License.