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Check HTTP Requisites

3 votes
Check_HTTP_Requisites.pyThe checker plugin
demo.cfgThe demo config
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A python checker that downloads a webpage using wget including all page requisites so that it is possible to monitor the real amount of data transferred to the user
++ Description
A python checker that downloads a webpage using wget including all page requisites so that it is possible to monitor the real amount of data transferred to the user.

This can be useful to monitor the user experience from the place where the nagios check is executed.

The package includes the check and a file with a demo configuration.

++ Limitation
The authentication is done Zope-style as this emerged from a Zope project.

++ Usage options

-h/--help -- print this help text
-U/--url -- the URL you want to check
-w/--warn -- seconds threshold for the warning state.
-c/--crit -- seconds threshold for the critical state
-u/--user -- username if you want to check authenticated
-p/--passwd -- password
Reviews (2)
I noticed the following design flaws:
- if critical/warning thresholds are omitted, Python gives error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'warn' referenced before assignment" instead of a proper command usage help
- Python 2.6.6 "DeprecationWarning: os.popen4 is deprecated. Use the subprocess module."
- Parsing wget output is prone to errors, it only splits output line based on spaces and picks up

elems = lines[-2].split(" ")
size = elems[1]
num = elems[4]

Unfortunately at least for wget 1.12-5 on CentOS6.6 the structure of wget output did not match this assumption. I had to change it to
size = elems[3]
num = elems[1]

After this fix the plugin did seem to work.
bymanojece54, March 2, 2012
Thanks !!!! ... i can able to monitor website without giving index.php or index.html like that....