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check_http_content (updated)
- Nagios 3.x
File | Description |
check_http_content | check_http_content | | NTML Authentication support - non ssl | | This version of works and uses elinks |
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Nagios script by CapSiDE SL - has been updated to generate graphs for pnp4nagios
# Updated by Vahid Hedayati April 2013 - (improves nagios plugin result)
# Performance data for graphing added:
# 1. time taken in milli seconds
# 2. content size
# Also added url and pattern match in alert output to make it easier to
# identify actual issue
# This matches the check_http performance layout
# and produces graphs in the same way
./check_http_content -U -m google
CONTENT OK: EXPR google FOUND on|time=0.338781118392944s;;;0.000000 size=10770B;;;0
Just updated with https configuration
./ google
SESSION CONTENT OK: URL returned google|time=0.480383ms;;;;0 size=0B;;;0
./ google
SESSION CONTENT OK: URL returned google|time=0.480383ms;;;;0 size=0B;;;0
Reviews (2)
bysimak, January 6, 2016
Doesn't work with Joomla 3.x websites.
When the string is not found the script returns the whole website html content. I use Ubuntu 12.0x.
When the string is not found the script returns the whole website html content. I use Ubuntu 12.0x.
bydhaff713, May 9, 2013
They both work great with an http address, but can either one work with an https address? If so, how?
Owner's reply
Hi Dhaff713 try the I have just added https will add it to the but take a look at github - noticed on 302 moved url's it does not work too well
Changed to use netcat rather than built in elinks command this will be very difficult to make work with https (netcat)
I will have a good think about this may end up writing the entire thing in java which will support all aspects with easy to use libraries