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bybanditbbs, May 10, 2018
History Tab
How did I never know about this until now! Finally an easy way to see past downtime information!

Thank you Troy!
bybanditbbs, December 5, 2017
The if (td[2]) in the ageproc line needs updated. It needs to be if ("td[2]") to test if empty or not. Necause if the time happens to be 123-00:40:23 the if would be false when it actually contains 00.
bybanditbbs, August 26, 2015
Working as expected and monitoring my ndo2db issue very reliably now!
bybanditbbs, October 6, 2014
Great little plugin. I needed more option(checking repository) and the code was written very well so I could easily hack at it and add the additional check!
bybanditbbs, January 6, 2014
SNMP Trap Translation Adjustment Web Page
I'd rate this excellent if it did the service restart, so figure that out and I'll modify this review. This does exactly as you described and is much nicer than text editing the page and worrying about doing a typo or something! This should be included in XI by default!