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6 votes
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  • Nagios 3.x
  • Nagios XI
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Nagios CSP

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this bash script check if processes matching to a pattern are exceeding a given elapsed time.
This Nagios plugin check if processes matching to a pattern are exceeding a given elapsed time

Usage : -p -w -c
-p parameter : name of the monitoring process
-c parameter : minimal elapsed time for status CRITICAL on NAGIOS
-w parameter : minimal elapsed time for status WARNING on NAGIOS

the plugin return now performance data : number of process; oldest time in minutes; warning time in minutes; critical time in minutes; 0;

this is a improvement of "" plugin.
The output text of my plugin is more clear about processes state and "" calculate a bad elapsed time in certain case on my system.
Reviews (4)
bybanditbbs, December 5, 2017
The if (td[2]) in the ageproc line needs updated. It needs to be if ("td[2]") to test if empty or not. Necause if the time happens to be 123-00:40:23 the if would be false when it actually contains 00.
byLaFong, May 16, 2017
This plugin does not find processes in the format 'interpreter /path/to/script', i.e. 'perl /usr/local/sbin/'. I also wanted to be able to just specify, in this case, ''. My changes to add those:

@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@

#calculate number of process
-nbproc=$(ps -A -o comm | grep -w $proc | grep -v $0 | wc -l)
+nbproc=$(ps -A -o args | grep -w "$proc" | grep -v $0 | grep -v grep | wc -l)
if [ $nbproc -gt 0 ]

#calculate age of oldest process
- ageproc=$(ps -A -o etime,comm,args | grep $proc | grep -v $0 | gawk '{split($1,t,":");split(t[1],td,"-");if (td[2]) {ta=td[1]*86400; t[1]=td[2]} else {ta=0}; if (t[3]) {$1=(t[1]*60+t[2])*60+t[3]+ta} else {$1=t[1]*60+t[2]};if (NR==1) {maxi=$1;} else {if ($1>maxi){maxi=$1;}}};END {print maxi}')
+ ageproc=$(ps -A -o etime,comm,args | grep "$proc" | grep -v $0 | grep -v grep | gawk '{split($1,t,":");split(t[1],td,"-");if (td[2]) {ta=td[1]*86400; t[1]=td[2]} else {ta=0}; if (t[3]) {$1=(t[1]*60+t[2])*60+t[3]+ta} else {$1=t[1]*60+t[2]};if (NR==1) {maxi=$1;} else {if ($1>maxi){maxi=$1;}}};END {print maxi}')
case $ageproc in
?|[0-5]? ) maxage=$ageproc" Seconds";;
byneozaga, January 23, 2017

Made this improvment

line 73:
nbproc=$(ps -A -o cmd | grep -w $proc | grep -v grep | grep -v $0 | wc -l)

so that you can search the full command line and not to find itself. (I know grep -v grep is ugly)
byformwandler, April 2, 2012
2 of 2 people found this review helpful
1) Line 86 has a bug

elif [$ageproc -gt $warning ]

elif [ $ageproc -gt $warning ]

2) Minor improvements I made

a) nbproc

The "comm,args" options should be changed to "comm" only, otherwise the calculated number of processes is always increased by 1.

nbproc=$(ps -A -o comm | grep -w $proc | grep -v $0 | wc -l)

b) Output

The output should always begin with w.g. "CRITICAL: ", "WARNING: " or "OK: ".
Owner's reply

Thanks for the advices, my script has been updated.