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  • Nagios 3.x
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Automatically locate and define hosts on your network.
Optionally inherit a set of windows services, and define the hosts to accept passive checks for distributed monitoring.
Generates a hosts.cfg file based on your variables.

Generates a hosts.cfg file and a windows-services.cfg file, defined hosts inherit the services defined in windows-services.cfg via the windows-servers hostgroup.

generates a hosts.cfg file and a hostgroup-hosts.cfg file. The hosts.cfg file is meant to be used on the local nagios server, while hostgroup-hosts.cfg is meant to be added to the configuration on a remote nagios server, which will receive checks passively.

How to use:
1) Mark as executable (chmod +x NagHostGen)
2) Run the script you want to use (./NagHostGen)
3) Answer a few questions about you're setup
4) Profit

These were designed to expedite deployment of a large distributed monitoring setup, and to simplify adding additional sites. However the first two should make the initial setup of any Nagios deployment much quicker and easier, while the third is not of much use outside of a distributed monitoring setup.